What to expect in Black Friday?
Oct. 17, 2018

The Black Friday Xbox One deal is about to be launched in November this year. If you are looking for a new Xbox One X console, or you are looking for a new hard drive, headphones or a beautiful Elite controller... Black Friday 2018 will be a chance to get all these things with less time and less cash. This year's online retail activity is expected to last 2-3 weeks and is also a bargain for technology.


Although November 23 is the official date, the Black Friday Xbox One deal may start before this. Microsoft will seek to sell a significant number of X-game consoles, so the machine itself may be discounted. Most importantly, retailers like gvgmall bundle themselves to help you save on gaming costs when you buy. Such as: Xbox Live 12 Month Gold Membership Key and Xbox Live 3 Month Gold Membership Key.



Monday after Black Friday was called "Cyber ​​Monday", although there was no difference, but this was once the day when technology went public. However, it is now integrated into a large-scale shopping campaign, so there will be high-quality technical offers throughout Black Friday.



The biggest question is: What will happen to the Xbox One deal this year? Although only retailers do know, we can make a damn good guess. As mentioned above, Microsoft hopes to sell the Xbox One X game console so that all players can use 4K normally. What else can you expect? Well, in addition to the 4K console, Black Friday will also see a lot of 4K TVs for sale.